Covenant is voluntarily associated with these organizations:
- The local Emmaus, Damascus, Journey to Damascus, Walk to Siloam, Kairos and Kairos Outside Communities, ecumenical movements whose stated purpose is to help develop Christians for fuller responsibility and support of their local churches.
- The Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). A statewide network of like-minded Baptist congregations doing missions, education, and ministry in Texas and Texas Baptist Committed.
- The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). A nation-wide network of like-minded Baptist Congregations, who join together in doing missions, education, and ministry around the world.
Why Not Just be an Independent Church?
We are an independent church! Every Baptist church is completely independent. There is no denominational control or hierarchy, as there are in other traditions. Each church is self-governed and determines its own affairs.
What Are The Advantages of Having These Affiliations?
- It allows us to identify with other Christians around the world who are known for their commitment to sharing Christ. Unlike other Baptist groups, the CBF has no man-made “creed”. The Bible is our only authority.
- It allows our church to participate in a missionary organization. Through the BGCT and the CBF, we help support missionaries who tell others about Christ in countries around the world.