Walk to Emmaus

Coastal Bend Emmaus (CBE) sponsors a men’s and women’s at least annually. Walk weekends are held at the Queen of Peace Retreat Center, located at 1200 Lantana Road, Corpus Christi. If you have been on a Walk, or similar weekend, in another part of the country and are moving to or visiting the Coastal Bend area, we would love to have you visit or become a part of the Coastal Bend Emmaus. 

The Walk to Emmaus is an ecumenical movement under the direction of The Upper Room, with the purpose of developing lay leadership for the local church.

Is Your Spiritual Life in Need of a Boost?

If your spiritual life is in need of a boost, then the Walk to Emmaus may be just the answer. The Walk is a seventy-two-hour experience of singing, worshipping, praying and participating in small groups where you will experience the love and grace of God through acts of service and prayer offered by a vital and loving support community.

  1. wish to strengthen your spiritual life;
  2. and/or have unanswered questions about your faith;
  3. understand that being a Christian involves responsibility; and
  4. want to learn how to better dedicate your life to God,

then the Walk to Emmaus experience is for you.

Walks are sponsored by the Coastal Bend Emmaus and are held locally. For more information, visit:
